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Jewelry with a purpose
Frequency infused jewelry to harmonize
the bioenergy in our bodies
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Jewelry with a purpose
Frequency infused jewelry to harmonize
the bioenergy in our bodies
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Body Tune Plus offers frequency infused jewelry and products designed to harmonize the bioenergy in our bodies by eliminating high energy electromagnetic interferences and to re-establish the body’s natural frequencies.



Frequency infused jewelry is an all natural approach that helps combat the man-made EMF's (Electro magnetic fields) that we are constantly surrounded by. Our daily exposure to cell phones, computers and tablets, televisions, power lines, smart meters, MRI machines, lights, bluetooth waves, and others are just a small example of what is constantly disrupting our natural frequency and where it should be organically. Body tune plus prides itself in it’s unique, and carefully crafted products that allow or bodies to be grounded once again and help your body regain its’ natural frequency. With this approach, we can most importantly feel our best by giving our bodies the permission to heal itself as it is naturally intended in it’s most magnificent state when it is functioning properly and allowed the ability to do so.

How It Works

Most frequencies we encounter on a daily basis are called EMF (Electromagnetic frequencies) generated by common devices, appliances, and even medical equipment that may we come in contact with. These frequencies are known to disrupt our bodies natural harmony leaving us to feel either weak, anxious, exhausted, rundown, or all the above. Because these frequencies are everywhere, On our own, it is very difficult to reverse their effects. That’s where BODY TUNE PLUS comes in. Our frequency infused jewelry counteracts this negative frequency with positive frequencies in turn allowing your body to perform optimally which has an overall positive affect on your biological energy. Our clients report pain relief as well as increased energy and strength. We take pride in our craftmanship and are proud to offer you and your loved ones what we are confident is the “Best Frequency Jewelry on the market.” Each specially crafted piece has our official brand on it so that you and your loved ones can be certain you are getting a genuine BODY TUNE PLUS product. We ship to locations throughout the United States, as well as Canada, and Mexico.


“On a weekend get-a-way we went in the Body Tune plus store and Lindsay was amazing. She put up with my being a real skeptic and saying this is just BS long enough to demonstrate the benefits of this jewelry to me. I’m hooked. It works. I’m not sure why and don’t care but I can testify it works. I was contemplating another knee replacement but I tried an anklet on that leg and I’m no longer having knee pain. She is a real asset to the company. Love her.”

Bobbie M, Bonne Terre, MO

“After using a Body Tune Plus ring my arm is pain free and I am performing exercises I assumed I wouldn’t be able to do pain free again. My girlfriend got a ring as well, she hadn’t slept the whole night through (without getting up) since the day I met her. That is until 3 weeks ago. She has slept every night without getting up since wearing the jewelry. We are amazed with the results!”


“We feel that wearing a Body Tune Plus bracelet has reduced our 12 year old grandson’s overall symptoms related to his disorder by 50%! When people ask how the bracelet works I simply tell them, We don’t really understand it, all we know is that he says he feels better and sleeps better and that is enough scientific evidence for us!  Thank you Body Tune Plus.”

Connie S., Longview, Texas